
This command will register a timeout operation.

A timeout will trigger a wakeup event on the completion ring for anyone waiting for events. A timeout condition is met when either the specified timeout expires, or the specified number of events have completed. Either condition will trigger the event. The request will complete with -ETIME if the timeout got completed through expiration of the timer, or 0 if the timeout got completed through requests completing on their own. If the timeout was cancelled before it expired, the request will complete with -ECANCELED.

Applications may delete existing timeouts before they occur with TIMEOUT_REMOVE operation.

nothrow @nogc ref @trusted
return ref SubmissionEntry entry
ref KernelTimespec time
ulong count = 0
TimeoutFlags flags = TimeoutFlags.REL


entry SubmissionEntry

SubmissionEntry to prepare

time KernelTimespec

reference to time64 data structure

count ulong

completion event count

flags TimeoutFlags

define if it's a relative or absolute time

Note: Available from Linux 5.4
